Senior Communication Packet

IMPORTANT: If you are an off-cycle student (i.e., a first semester senior), please click here for your Spring 2015 Communication Packet.


Welcome back to Social Studies! We hope that this semester will be happy and productive as you finish your thesis and your time at Harvard. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch with Anya Bassett, Nicole Newendorp, or Kate Anable if you have questions or concerns about the thesis and honors process. 

You should receive an email from your academic advisor by 12 noon on Monday, January 26th. If you have not heard from your advisor by then, please call the Social Studies office at (617) 495-2163 to receive their contact information. 

Please read the attached material carefully. You are responsible for its contents. Not having read the material is not a valid excuse for not having information or knowing deadlines.  


  1. Thesis Presentation Workshop Memo: If you would like to participate in a workshop (and we strongly suggest that you do!), you need to turn in a hard copy of the registration form to the Social Studies office by Friday, January 30th at 4 p.m. 
  2. Senior Thesis Format and Presentation Memo
  3. Policy Regarding Late Theses: PLEASE READ CAREFULLY
  4. Information on Oral Exams
  5. Cross-Registration for Concentration Credit