
Lucy Haeran Koh profile photoLucy Haeran Koh '90, JD '93Circuit Judge, United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit
Thesis Title: Obstacles to Women's Education in Borno State, Nigeria

“To this day, Social Studies subtly influences how I process information and perceive the world.  Social Studies taught me how to think critically and to be analytical.  I have carried all these lessons with me throughout my life and use them daily as a U.S. Circuit Judge.”


Mina Makarious profile photoMina Makarious '06, JD '09, Municipal and Environmental Lawyer
Thesis Title: Democracy in the Grandstands: Social Capital Development in Minor League and Amateur Baseball

“I was able to take my varied interests in urban politics, sports culture, and religion and distill them into a set of questions to guide my thesis research.”